NaNoWriMo Day #10I wish all my NaNo sessions were like today's; I was able to get an earlier start and accomplish about double the work (thanks in part to my guy pitching in and making my morning school runs for me.) Passing the hundred-page mark is always a good feeling, too.
Since I also finished early, I decided to do my type-ins from the printed manuscript, which I've been editing by hand every night. I need to do a glossary update tomorrow and correct the outline where I've made some minor changes. Still working on a warfare timeline.
The toughest thing to do when I have a really productive session is to make myself stop at an appropriate point. I'd happily lock the door and write straight through the day, but my voice wouldn't be worth a damn tomorrow. Plus I'm coming up on a series of very tough scenes that I'd like to take my time with. So while I hate putting on the brakes, I know it's good for me in the long term.
Today's Stats:Wordcount: 3749
Total Wordcount: 22284
Pages: 18
Total Pages: 105
Time: 6:00 am - 11:30 pm
Sessions: 2 @ 2 hours with a 30 minute break in between; 1 hour doing type-in corrections from last week's edits.
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2009