NaNoWriMo Day #20It's 1:21 am, and 56 degrees F here out on the porch. Everyone is asleep except the dogs, who are intelligent and have decided to stay inside where it's warm. I have to stay awake for another two hours so I can play pre-dawn chauffeur (long story) which is why I'm porching it tonight. It's quiet, and the cold helps keep me from nodding off when I go back out there to outline my next scene.
I know it's day twenty of NaNoWriMo, but only because I had to check the calendar before uploading my latest PBW post. I haven't updated my NaNo notes since day 14? because I wasn't paying attention to my word count. It was all I could do to go in, sit down, and write something new. Six days of drag, trudge, drag.
Today I devoted all of my writing and editing time to looking over the stuff I've written over the last six days, two-thirds of it had to be thrown out, and leaves me with 1026 in new words. I won't take credit for writing what I trashed; it was unreadable drek. Publishing tried a couple of times to get into my writing space today, but I (politely) kicked it back out. I want my final ten days of NaNo to be as Publishing-free as possible.
After I make this pre-dawn trip and come home/get some sleep, I'll be back at it. I hope to slip into the novel via my scene outline and stay there for a couple hours, but even if I don't, I'll just write until I get something worth adding to my progress meter.
Collective Stats:Wordcount: 1026
Pages: 5
Time: six days
Sessions: sporadic
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2010