PBW Stories
Paperback Writer's Fiction Blog
Friday, November 30, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 Big Finish
As of 7:57 am this morning: 50,005.
First DraftLabels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Thursday, November 29, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #24
The finish line is just within sight. :)
New Words: 2319
New Manuscript Total: 47,917
First Draft
Added: The
Edited version bumps up my new words to 2492 and my manuscript total to 48,090. Tomorrow, 50K!
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #23
I had an interesting morning with Brand and Deuce respectively. I was tempted to back-read both scenes but I think I'll wait until tonight and let the internal editor have the first look.
New Words: 2703
New Manuscript Total: 45,309
First Draft
Added: My
Edited version brought my new words up to 2992 and my manuscript total to 45,598.
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #22
I was tempted to write past quota this morning but I have other work waiting, so I stopped at just over 2K. Things are moving along again well, and I'll bump up my wordcounts for the rest of the week so I don't fall short of 50K.
New Words: 2102
New Manuscript Total: 42,360
First Draft
Added: The
Edited version brings my new words total up to 2348, and my manuscript total to 42,606.
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Monday, November 26, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #21
I started off the first writing session after my mini-vacation by deleting my beginning of Chapter Eight (about 488 words) and rewriting it. I just didn't care for how I'd opened the scene, and wanted to run through it again from scratch. I still didn't like it after the second attempt but that happens and I'll mark it for another rewrite once I've finished the book.
New Words: 2143
New Manuscript Total: 40,146
First Draft
Edited brings my totals up to 2255 for the day and 40,258 for the manuscript total.
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #20
I got my words done in three short sessions while juggling other tasks. Kim and Glory surprised me with an unexpected heart-to-heart that bloomed out of nowhere at the end of Chapter Seven, and I got a little of Chapter Eight going before I quit for the day.
New Words: 2011
New Manuscript Total: 37,766
First Draft
Added: The
Edited version brings my totals up to 2248 for the day's total and 38,003 for the manuscript total. I will be taking off the next four days now to spend time with my family and enjoy the holiday weekend, but if I manage to get some writing in I'll update when I can.
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Monday, November 19, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #19
I had fun with the writing today, and I think it came through on the page. I was tempted to try for double my quota but I don't want to push the voice too hard just yet. I'll also need it tonight for the daily edits.
New Words: 3,132
New Manuscript Total: 35,608
First Draft
Added: Got today's work
Edited, which brings my totals up to 3,279 new words and 35,755 manuscript total.
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Sunday, November 18, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #18
I played catch-up today, met my quota and knocked out all the editing, too. If all goes well tomorrow I should get back on plan and head into the holidays on schedule.
New Words: 2368
New Manuscript Total: 32,476
First Draft
EditedLabels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Saturday, November 17, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #17
As I expected would happen sometime this month I lost my voice (my actual voice; I write by VRS so laryngitis = no writing.) I typed for as long as I could with three fingers (got almost 800 words down) and then shut off everything and went to bed. This morning the voice is back but still a bit strained, so I'll have to take it easy today and alternate between the VRS and typing manually.
I know there are other disabled writers out there, and like you sometimes I get frustrated that I can't type like everyone else to write. It drives me crazy when I read some abled person whining about how they don't feel like writing when they can type for sixteen hours straight if they wanted. I'd give almost anything to have their hands. But that's not going to happen, and then I remember to think of someone like Stephen Hawking or Joni Eareckson Tada, and remind myself of how blessed I am that I
am still mobile and (with time and patience) I
can do most of the things everyone else does.
New Words: 767
New Manuscript Total: 30,108
First DraftLabels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Friday, November 16, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #16
Missed my window to write today, and no time to do edits due to other committments, but I got in an hour tonight and worked out a few things with Ara. I'm frustrated with my rotten time organization lately. Tomorrow I'm going to get up earlier and see if I can get some work done while everyone's still asleep.
New Words: 636
New Manuscript Total: 29,341
First DraftLabels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Thursday, November 15, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #15
I didn't get as much writing time today as I'd hoped, but I'm happy that I got some words done. I debated a bit with how I wanted to handle the scene between Brand and Ara at his apartment, and then got fed up with myself and just started writing tonight to see how it would play out on the page. Still not sure, so I'll let it percolate tonight, hold off on the edits and review it tomorrow with fresh eyes.
New Words: 1271
New Manscript Total: 28,705
First DraftLabels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #14
While things are still very discombobulated here I got in a bunch of brief writing sessions throughout the day and ended up reaching my goal and a bit more. Very happy with the way the story is moving along. I'm going to take a break now and do my edits in an hour or so.
New Words: 2170
New Manuscript Total: 27,170
First Draft
Added: Finally got to the
edits, and they brought up my totals to 2434 new words and 27434 for the manuscript.
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
NaNoWriMo #13
It's late so I'll post the exact stats tomorrow, but I stopped tonight at 25K for the new manuscript total, and got caught up on all the back editing.
First Draft
EditedLabels: NaNoWriMo 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #12
My day off to deal yesterday spilled over into today, but after wrangling the chaos again I did get in an hour of writing tonight. I'm so tired I can't even think about edits, so I'll add them to tomorrow's work.
New Words: 622
New Manuscript Total: 23,905
First DraftLabels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Off to Take Care of Stuff
No time to NaNo today; I had to take care of some unexpected domestic issues and prepare the house for this week's pre-holiday carpeting cleaning. This is why I like that bumper of extra words; it does come in handy during a minor crisis. My guy helped, so we got it knocked out in a day, and I'll be back posting tomorrow.
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #10
After a slow start this morning I got my words done in two long, rather frustrating sessions punctuated by a major domestic annoyance. A couple of times I wanted to give up and blow off my goal for the day, but I kept thinking of tomorrow, which is when I should hit the halfway mark. I'm not willing to give up that just because I'm in a sloggy mood. So I just sat my butt in the chair and wrote through it until I got it done.
New words: 2045
New manuscript total: 23283
I'm going to reward myself for not caving in by giving myself the rest of the day off. Some sewing should clear out the cobwebs.
First DraftLabels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Friday, November 09, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #9
As I anticipated I didn't get to attend to my 11/08 edits, so I'll add yesterday's draft to today's and knock them out tonight.
I'm feeling pretty good about this morning's writing session; I got a bit of a late start but otherwise it went well. Broke the 20K barrier and if all goes well this weekend I should hit the halfway mark for NaNo by Sunday.
Yesterday I decided against using the "it" pronoun to refer to Kim; I know it's the logical choice for an androgyne who refuses to gender identify but it's really annoying me. I guess I simply can't think of any person as an "it". To solve the problem I coined a replacemet:
fym. Tonight I'll change all the pronoun references to her to that because it is really, really bugging me.
New words: 2011
New manuscript total: 20,868
First Draft
Edits for 11/08 and 11/09, bringing new words to 2426 and the manuscript total to 21,283.
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Thursday, November 08, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #8
I had a more productive writing session this morning, and got down the first scene in Chapter Three to introduce James Brand into the story. James and Ara feel comfortable on the page, and I like this first meeting and how they interacted with each other. I may not get to the edits tonight, as I have a ton of other work to do today, but if that happens I'll just add it to tomorrow night's pile.
Total New words: 2112
Manuscript total: 18,857
First DraftLabels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #7
Another slow but steady writing morning. I did backtrack to correct my pronoun uses in a few spots where I referred to Kim as a female versus an androgyne (a mistake I realized I made only this morning.) Generally I wait until I finish the novel to do something like this, but by then it would be kind of a nightmare to search and replace every incorrently-used "she" and "her". I'll be putting a note on my monitor with a big KIM = IT to remind me to refrain from gender references for her for the rest of November.
I introduced Thea into the story today, and writing her dialogue was fun. She's turned out a bit battier than I imagined, but in a strange way it's good camoflauge, so I'm running with it.
New Words: 2101
Manuscript Total: 16,625
First Draft
Added: In response to several requests, I've made one extra change with the
Edited version of today's work by accepting all the previous changes in the manuscript. This should make the chapters I've already edited easier to read. With the edits my new words total bumps up to 2221, for a new total of 16,745. Not bad for a week's work. :)
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #6
I had an on-again off-again morning with the writing, so I kept it to a series of short sessions, writing as much as I felt like then breaking to do some chores. It took longer to get my 2K down for the day, but it also gave me the opportunity to think through the scene a couple times and choreograph it a little better.
New words: 2015
Ms. total: 14,484
First Draft
Added: My edits, which brings my new words for the day to 2055, and my manuscript total to 14,524.
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Monday, November 05, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #5
I'm posting the first draft online now as I have to do some contract work today, and I might not get to the edits until very late tonight.
First Draft
Working straight through from 5:30 to 9:00 am I managed 1,999 new words, for a new ms. total of 12,363. Things are humming along nicely with the story.
Added: Here are
my edits, which brought my counts up to 2105 new words, and 12,469 for the manuscript.
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Sunday, November 04, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #4
I meant to write only 800 words today but the story sucked me in and I knocked out another big chunk of the quota. If this keeps up I might have to give myself a day off this week. I wrote almost continuously, too, starting around 6 am and finishing up at 8:30 am. Very much in the zone. I have plans with my guy tonight so I got my editing done early from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm.
I usually hate the first chapter but the characters made this one fun. Ara was easier to write than Belle, and then Glory came roaring out onto the page; I'll have to watch her or she'll take over the novel. The only one I really couldn't get into as much as I wanted to was Chavez, but he's the POV character for the second half of the chapter and I don't want to jump the gun with him.
New words: 2194
Ms. total: 10,364
First Draft
EditedLabels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Saturday, November 03, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #3
I had a sporadic but otherwise excellent writing day, and blew past my wordcount to finish the prologue. Because I could only work an hour here or there, I kept track of my time and wordcounts to see how much I was writing during each mini-session:
7-8 am: 160
8:30-9:30 am: 376
11 am-1:30pm: 1464
2:45-3:45 pm: 654
6-7 pm: 588
New words: 3242
Ms. total: 8170
Editing took another hour, and then I had to wrangle with my Adobe Acrobat, which decided to stop allowing me to print to PDF. Came up with a temporary solution by downloading the 30-day free trial of Acrobat XI, which reinstalled the print to PDF. I should really upgrade anyway (I was working from Acrobat 7) but at least this will get me through to the end of the month.
I enjoyed getting into Belle Chenault's backstory, although I may have to adjust the timeline as everything happens pretty fast with her. She's one of those characters like Reever, very hard to get into her head but worth the struggle. Since I've written past goal every day, tomorrow I'll probably knock out 800 words in the morning and use the rest of the day to recharge my batteries.
First Draft
EditedLabels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
NaNoWriMo 2012 #2
I made it almost to 5K today by finishing up the first half of the prologue and moving into the second half. I felt a bit happier with what I got today but I'm not quite in my rhythm with the story yet.
Deuce gave me a little trouble on the page today, too; she kept wanting to run her moutj. I can't decide if I should blame this on Arpesh's memories or this is just the sort of character she is. It would be interested to explore her as a conflicted antagonist, but for right now I'll just go along for the ride and see what happens.
Total words: 2652
Hours worked: 3/writing, 1/editing
First Draft
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
Friday, November 02, 2012
NaNoWriMo 2012 #1
I made my first quota today with 2,276 words, which was about half of the opening prologue for the novel. I would have done more but I had to take care of some business in the middle of the day, which derailed me a bit. I also forgot to keep track of my time or set up a wordcounter anywhere, but I'll take care of that tomorrow.
Rather than post my work here on the blog (which wouldn't allow me to show tracked changes) I've uploaded both versions of what I wrote today in .pdf format to my Google Docs account, and here are the links:
First Draft
For the most part I think my beginning is just okay, but I'm not going to obsess over it. More often than not I usually dislike the beginnings of my books and (once I've finished the manuscript) often rewrite them altogether. For now this will do.
Labels: NaNoWriMo 2012, Taken by Night
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